Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda

Head of Earth System Predictability
Research, Earth System Predictability


Magdalena is an expert on predictability, initialized seamless predictions and  ocean/coupled reanalyses. 

Professional interests:
  • Seamless probabilistic forecasting systems and forecasting strategies: initialization, ensemble generation, model evaluation and skill assessment.
  • Air-Sea interaction
  • Ocean and coupled reanalyses: methodology and evaluation.
  • Climate dynamics:  process studies and prediction
  • Evaluation of the Ocean Observing System.
Career background:

2016-present: Principal Scientist, Head of Earth System Predictability Section, ECMWF

2011-2015: Principal Scientist, Marine Prediction Section, ECMWF

2001-2011: Senior Scientist, Seasonal Forecasting Section, ECMWF

1995-2000: Scientist,  Seasonal Forecasting Section, ECMWF

1994-1995: Lecturer, Physics Department, Universidad de Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain

1993-1994: PostDoc, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics Department, Oxford University, UK

External recognitions

•    Member of the NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) Earth System Science and Modeling (ESSM) advisory Council.
•    Member of the EuroArgo Scientific Steering Group.
•    Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Bjerkness Center.
•    Member of GODAE Ocean View Scientific Steering Team
•    Past Member of the CLIVAR Pacific Panel (2000-2006), CLIVAR GSOP panel (2008-2016) and EUROBRISA (2006-2011).
•    Involvement on different EU and ESA funded project.
•    Organizer of several international workshops and conferences.