@misc{80409, keywords = {workshop, L-Band, low frequency passive microwaves}, author = {M.J. Escorihuela and O. Merlin and C. Piou and V. Stefan and N. Rodriguez and A. Al-Bitar and J. Grant and P. Ferrazzoli and J.-P. Wigneron and T. Kaminski and J. Boutin and G. Macelloni and M. Leduc-Leballeur and M. Schwank and K. Rautiainen and J. Lemmeetyinen and L. Kaleschke and G. Picard and Patricia de Rosnay and Gianpaolo Balsamo and Stephen English and Y. Kerr}, title = {High resolution soil moisture from passive/active microwave and optical data synergy for agricultural applications}, year = {2017}, month = {2017}, language = {eng}, }