@misc{79962, keywords = {workshop, model uncertainty}, author = {N. Gagnon and P.L. Houtekamer and X.-X. Deng and A. Erfani and M. Charron}, title = {Review of the perturbation methods in the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS)}, abstract = {

MSC is running a 20 member GEPS (0.45x0.45L40) up to Day 16 operationally (32 days on Thursdays at 00Z). This system is using an Ensemble Kalman Filter as a data assimilation scheme (Houtekamer et al. 2014) to generate the initial conditions for the medium-range ensemble forecasts. The forecast perturbations are coming from set a multi-physical parameterizations as well as two stochastic approaches (physical tendencies perturbations and the stochastic energy back-scattering scheme).


}, year = {2016}, journal = {ECMWF/WWRP Workshop: Model Uncertainty}, month = {2016}, address = {ECMWF}, language = {eng}, }