@misc{77223, keywords = {workshop, Copernicus, poster, climate observation, CCI, sea-level ECV}, author = {Lamicol. G. and J. Legeais and A. Cazenave and B. Meyssignac and D. Stammer and M. Scharffenberg and J. Jonannessen and G. Timms and S. Rudenko and M. Roca and O. Andersen and P. Cipollini and Magdalena Alonso-Balmaseda and J. Fernandes and G. Quartly and L. Fenoglio-Marc and J. Benveniste and A. Ambrozio and S. Dinardo and T. Guinle}, title = {Accurately measuring sea level change from space: an ESA Climate Change Initiative for MSL closure budget studies (Poster)}, year = {2015}, month = {2015}, language = {eng}, }