@manual{74994, author = {Marta Janiskova}, title = {Assimilation experiments for radar and lidar. Support-to-Science-Element (STSE) Study EarthCARE Assimilation}, abstract = {1D-Var assimilation experiments have been performed using observations of cloud radar reflectivity and lidar backscatter, either separately or in combination. Information on temperature and specific humidity retrieved from 1D-Var was used as pseudo-observations in the 4D-Var system. Obtained results indicate that 1D-Var analyses get closer to assimilated and also independent observations. However, impact of the cloud radar reflectivity is larger than that of the lidar backscatter. 1D+4D-Var analysis reduces analysis departures for q pseudo-observations and provides analysis departures closer to T pseudo-observations than would be obtained if temperature pseudo-observations were not assimilated. Impact on the first-guess and analysis departure statistics when verified against other observation types assimilated in 4D-Var is small. The performed 1D+4D-Var assimilation experiments also suggest a positive impact of the new observations on the subsequent forecast.}, year = {2014}, journal = {WP-3200 Report: ESA ESTEC Contract AO/I-6441/10/NL/CB}, number = {2014:WP-3200}, month = {01/2014}, publisher = {ECMWF}, address = {Shinfield Park, Reading}, language = {eng}, }