@manual{73985, author = {F. Chevallier and S. Di Michele and A. McNally}, title = {Diverse profile datasets from the ECMWF 91-level short-range forecasts}, abstract = {This report summarises the characteristics of five databases that respectively sample the atmospheric temperature, water vapour, ozone, cloud condensate and precipitation simulated by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts system. Each database contains 5000 profiles described on 91 pressure levels. Their potential applications include statistical regressions, the provision of first-guesses for inversion algorithms and the validation of various models, in particular in the field of radiation.}, year = {2006}, journal = {NWP SAF Technical Report}, number = {10}, pages = {14}, month = {12/2006}, publisher = {ECMWF}, address = {Shinfield Park, Reading}, language = {eng}, }